Welcome To
Stettler Funeral Home & Crematorium
Parkview Funeral Chapels & Crematorium
We believe that every life lived β is worthy of a celebration. A funeral is time of honouring the dignity of the life lived and helps provide a special time for family and friends to share in their own expression of remembering, love and appreciation. A funeral is a meaningful event that can help ease the pain of separation, which naturally accompanies a death.

Cremation Services
Cremation is an increasingly popular option for many people, serving as an alternative to burial. Reasons for preferring cremation vary.
Burial Services
Traditionally, a burial service involves a visitation and is followed by a funeral service. It is your decision whether to have the casket open.
Helping You Heal
These articles are meant to describe different types of grief; their intent is to help you understand your own, or to help you empathize with another person's grief.